Why RAM uses James Hardie Siding over Vinyls and Wood.
There are many reasons to choose James Hardie siding over vinyl, the first of which is appearance. James Hardie siding is over five times thicker than vinyl, allowing for deeper grooves and a more authentic wood-grain effect. The result is more elegant than vinyl (which is plastic), particularly on a historic home.
Then comes function. Vinyl melts easily in a fire (or even from the reflection of the sun off Low-E glass windows); James Hardie products are noncombustible. Vinyl may crack and warp from the elements; James Hardie products are more durable and resist warping, sagging and melting
James Hardie siding is not only less expensive than wood, it won’t be eaten by animals or insects. It also resists water absorption better than wood even where the manufacturer’s recommended protections are followed, helping protect against mold.
When there’s a fire, James Hardie siding is much better at withstanding damage, while wood goes up in flames
James Hardie siding and trim products provide more protection than wood from wet and freezing conditions as well as hot, humid weather.
Wood may split, crack and deteriorate over time, while James Hardie siding resists weather damage and keeps its shape for a much longer time, which means less maintenance to worry about year after year.
James Hardie fiber cement is specifically formulated to better resist damage from the very predators—moisture, freezing temperature, humidity, pests and fire—that pose threats to wood-based products.
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RAM Construction's New Office New Accents- Home Remodeling Annapolis
RAM is very excited about our brand new office and location. We are currently working on the interior. Here is a quick look at a couple of the accents...
Ram Constructions nEw Entrance way. Double Door branding.
Ram Construction's new Entrance way Wall. 8 foot by 7 foot. You are welcomed with Our Brand.
Ram Construction's Main office area with a 6 foot Acrylic offset featuring our Brand.
RAM CONSTRUCTION @Ramannapolis.com showcase a new Privacy Fence with custom corrugated metal and cedar posts.
Ram Construction is proud to feature a wonderful and unique project with creating a fence for privacy and to increase curb appeal. The Challenge is unique in that the materials and design are custom built, this fence project is one of a kind.
We first had to consider the hurdle of the land layout. The change in elevation on the landscape created. The decision to move forward with a segmented joining of fence that would change to adjust to the drop and raising of the land. Each segment had to be custom and joined as one visual unit.
One of the trickiest installations is when you have a change in elevation. If you have to step the fence, set one section at one height and keep moving up as you go along. If you're going uphill or downhill, you'll need to account for this and do it in full increments or half-feet.
NEXT, all the proper permits were acquired. Designing the concept, considering use of material. We chose to go with a sharp contrast of metal contrasted by the natural beauty of wood. Accents with Metal hinges, door stops and holders were spread throughout the design.
Did you know, If you have a pressure-treated gate, which can be very heavy (and when it rains, the wood absorbs water and gets even heavier), you must set the posts much deeper and with more cement around them. In short: make sure the hinges are properly sized to hold enough weight.
We also considered both sides of the fence. It's important to realize that the nice side of the fence needs to face the neighbors, and the integrity side, with the wood rails and everything else, is going to face the inside. If the nice side faces your house, there could be hard feelings.
Some fences are for keeping things in or out, and some are for privacy. Fences are also great for decorating your front and back yard to accent your home and to indicate property lines. With so many different types of fences out there, you just to need to know your needs and your taste and build one that will last you and your family a long time. Ram Specifically chose to use Cedar for its wood accent and structure material. Custom corrugated metal would fill the visual space and add to the over all unique appeal.
Ram is so proud of this unique fencing solution. Every job is different for us, each offers its own set of challenges and rewards. If you are looking for a fence or a barrier for privacy or property improvement, CALL US, We will be more than happy to share the potential for great design and craftsmanship.
We invite you to browse our showcase of this project.